At the Middle School of Plainville, one part of the Physical Education curriculum focuses on introducing lifetime sports / wellness activities to students. So far this year, the middle school students have been introduced to classes in golf, bowling and currently ZUMBA. Cindy (Joseph) Riccio grew up in Plainville and is a graduate of the Plainville school system. She is an adjunct History professor at Tunxis Community College, as well as a certified Zumba instructor at Wicked Z Dance and Fitness. Each year, all Physical Education classes at the middle school are treated to a Zumba class taught by Mrs. Riccio. At the end of her three day series, Riccio teaches during an enrichment period, and the gym is open to anyone at the Middle School who would like to participate in a ZUMBA class. This is Mrs. Riccio’s tenth year of coming back to her hometown and working with the students of the Middle School Of Plainville. “Cindy Riccio is amazing with our middle schoolers. We are so lucky to have a certified ZUMBA instructor working with our students to promote a healthy, lifetime fitness activity,” noted Middle School of Plainville Physical Education Instructor Amy Tennant.