“Talent without opportunity will go undiscovered!”

Middle School of Plainville Unified Arts


The Unified Arts program here at the Middle School of Plainville supports an exploratory approach. Exploration is an important and valuable concept for the middle school child because it provides hands on, participatory and real life experiences that are engaging and fundamental to the middle school philosophy.

Our classes respond to the developmental needs of the young adolescent. We compliment the core subjects academically by incorporating opportunities to think creatively, read critically, write, calculate and problem solve.

Our goal is to provide a wide range of experiences that our students otherwise would not have. For many students, this may be the last opportunity to explore these subjects and interests. In turn, this allows students to discover their individual abilities, talents, interests and preferences. It not only prepares them to make informed elective choices when they enter the high school, but this self awareness helps to prepare for adult life in terms of a possible vocation, as a family member and as a contributing member of society, as well as providing enriching and healthy leisure time activities.

Your child will move through our Unified Arts program over the three years that they are at the Middle School of Plainville. Our curricula in each of the areas are tiered so that each year, students will build upon skills and learning of the previous year’s course.


Unified Arts Team